
QCD24 is 27th of the International Conference Series in Quantum Chromodynamcs (QCD) organized annually or every 2 years since 1985 in Montpellier. It involves half theorists and half experimentalists from different world laboratories and is opened to young researchers (PhD and Post Doc) who often present their first international contributions behind experts and Price winners (Nobel Price, APS). Most of these young participants become brilliant physicists at the international level. Experimentalists often present their recent results before the big EPS and ICHEP conferences (this was e.g. the case of the discovery of the Higgs boson) while theorists (most of them phenomenologists) show their search results of the year. We have preferred a medium size (about 50-80 persons) in order to have a better (social) organization and to keep a friendly relation among participants which enables a strong interaction leading often to some collaboration after the conference. Most of the aspects of QCD are discussed (perturbative and non-perturbative, jets, hadron physics, rare decays,...). Since the building of LHC and after the discovery of the Higgs boson, some sessions are dedicated to some precison tests of the Standard Model and to the Searches of New Physics and Models Beyond the Standard Model.

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